Slating Dublin
New Roofing Dublin

Roofing Dublin, Slating Dublin, New Roof Dublin, Roof Repairs Dublin

Hi All,


This weeks roofing Dublin works consisted of a removal of the old slated roof and installation of the new slated roof


The first process was to remove the old roof and ridge tiles and lead apron at chimney details

When then dispose of the debris from the new roofing Dublin works

We treated the roof rafters after inspection for water damage and wood worm

Then using breathable slating dublin membrane 2×1 treated battens and galvanized nails, we aligned the roof ready for slating

using new TrueTone Plus Slates from Tegral we install the new roof Dublin using copper nails and crampions

Fit supply and fitted new ridge tiles using universal ridge tiles from Road-Stone Roofing Dublin and a sand cement and mortar mix

we also installed new roll joint to new roof Dublin using new Aluminum Flashing, if you zoom in on the photographs below this occurs between the two house

3 sides of new roof fromgable end house

3 sides of new roof from gable end house

IMG_3190 IMG_3191

the above pictures shows the finished roof, it took just one week to completed and we had two Rainy days along the way


If you require information or quotation on such works please feel free to contact me


Thank you


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